I turned 23 about three weeks ago. Usually my money goes into saving for some sort of camera related equipment, or it is used to live on. Longing for some time at the Happiest Place on Earth I started to set aside a little money to get there at some point this year. Finally after what seemed an eternity I had enough! I talked my mom into going for our birthdays and we jetted off to the park.
I haven't been carrying a real camera to the parks for years. I have been to Disneyland so much in the last 8 or so years that I thought I had taken a picture of everything that was worth photographing. This trip was different. I had some color film and a lightweight camera and decided to just photograph for fun. By fun I mean I wasn't worrying about making anything artsy fartsy, I just wanted candid Disneyland. The kind of Disneyland photos you see in your family albums. Everything was spur of the moment and it was great! Some of these photos aren't compositionally pleasing and I didn't edit any of them but they are perfectly imperfect. Sometimes you just need to let loose and in my case, let the magic of Disneyland guide me. (I know, really cheesy but hey! who cares) In some of these I can feel the magic I feel while in the parks. If there is anything I wanted to do, that was it. I love Disneyland with all my heart and some of the best times of my life were spent sitting in the Tiki Room garden, or on King Arthurs Carousel late at night.
It was an amazing couple days with my Mom and I am so lucky to have gone.
Thanks for stopping by,
P.S Does anybody wanna go back with me? I think I'm ready for another trip.
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