The other night I sat around a dinner table surrounded by friends and family and finally understood what makes me happy. This group of people had been through many changes in the past year, just as I had, and were all there giving thanks for each other by simply being in their lives.
You find these rare people throughout life that make you feel like you are home in their presence. You feel the support and true love they have for you and it makes life so much better. These people might be in your life everyday or they might only dip into your life every so often, and that's okay. We all have our own lives to live. We all have our goals and our challenges and daily going-ons. I often think about these people in the middle of my busy day, I often miss them and wish to spend a moment sitting under a tree filled with party lights enjoying a soft summer breeze while gabbing over a glass of wine. I often worry about them and hope they are well and happy . I sometimes wish we saw each other enough to talk about the little things but sometimes time passes and you only have time for the big things. I often feel regret from not capturing the moments we've had but I remember I was able to enjoy them firsthand, realtime and lived them in the moment. Life has its blockades, barbed wire and potholes . Which sometimes are hard to bear but I give it to these people that make those things easier to traverse, crawl through and jump over.
In my low times I think about these people and ride through the best summer nights and cozy winter mornings spent with them. Without them even knowing, I thank them for giving me that time so I can remember what happiness and warmth feels like.
Be kind and remember the people you have. Be sure and thank them every once in awhile for being in your life, in whatever way they fit into it.
If you are in my life, Thank you.
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